Regan Sommer, Lydia Carter, Kaitlyn Orwell, Brynne Kessler

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted
Garrison Keillor
Asking questions when looking into childcare is crucial for your child.
Lou Sipolt from LowaLive discusses a checklist that parents can follow when looking into childcare options.

Different Types of Childcare
Family Child Care Homes
Providers care for small groups of children in residential spaces
Fewer children
Home-like environment is appealing to many families
More flexible hours of operation compared to other options
Certified or Registered child care home
Child Care Centers
Operated out of commercial buildings
Larger with more children
Director and numerous staff members
Classroom-like environment
more adults
Variety of activities
Regulations & inspections for health and safety standards
Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care
Legally exempt from regulations (health, safety, and training)
Comfortability and trust
Flexibility in hours and transportation
Typically the least expensive option

Getting started: Simple Steps for Finding and Choosing Child Care
Look, Listen, and Ask: Choosing Quality Child Care Tip Sheets
Understanding Child Care Quality Ratings
Your Responsibilities Once You Find Care
If You Can't Find Care​​
Quality child care that is affordable
Types of child care
Why is Child Care So Important?
"Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn. Quality education and care shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning"
"The period from birth to eight years old is one of remarkable brain development for children and represents a crucial window of opportunity for education. When children are healthy, safe and learning well in their early years, they are better able to reach their full developmental potential as adults and participate effectively in economic, social, and civic life. Providing ECCE is regarded as a means of promoting equity and social justice, inclusive economic growth and advancing sustainable development".
High-quality child care keeps children safe and healthy. In addition, it helps children develop skills they will need for success in school and in their lives outside of school:
Social, emotional and communication skills
Pre-literacy and basic mathematical skills and concepts
An awareness of their environment and the roles of the people in it
- Early childhood care has an important role in children’s development
- Positive childcare experiences enhances later educational opportunities
- Benefits that flow on to families and the wider community
What are the obstacles to ensuring access to quality ECCE?
Why early childhood care and education matters | UNESCO
Policy fragmentation
In many countries, ECCE policies and services are fragmented and do not leverage whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches to addressing the holistic needs and rights of families and their young children. This is particularly challenging for national governments with limited resources, low institutional capacities and weak governance
​Lack of public provision
Non-state provision of ECCE continues to grow in many contexts, and the role of non-state actors in influencing policy development and implementation is evident. Non-state actors provide a large proportion of places in pre-primary education. In 2000, 28.5% of pre-primary aged children were enrolled in private institutions, and this rose to 37% in 2019, a figure higher than for primary (19%) or secondary (27%) education.
Insufficient regulation of the sector
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
Chronic underfunding
An average of 6.6% of education budgets at national and subnational levels were allocated to pre-primary education. Low-income countries, on average, invest 2% of education budgets in pre-primary education, which is far below the target of 10% by 2030 suggested by UNICEF. In terms of international aid, pre-primary education remains the least funded sector.

What to Look For in High Quality ChildCare

How to Find the Best Day Care (
Where to start looking: ask around family and friends
What features are most important: Not only do you want a daycare that you are comfortable with, you want one that will encourage your child's development
What Does a High-Quality Preschool Program Look Like? | NAEYC
Goal: to create a caring community of Learners
Develop positive relationships with peers and educators
Teaching to support children's learning and development
Adapting and planning curriculum
App Winnie
​Marketplace for daycare and preschool options near by
Urban Sitter
Warning Signs
Space is not organized
Children wander around
Low involvement in activities
Teachers control all activities so children aren't ever free to explore materials or play.
The teacher controls all the activities
Little free time to explore materials or play
Surplus of worksheets or toys that can be used just one way​
Weak teacher involvement in activities
Absence of asking questions/ making suggestions to further knowledge
No clear limits for children's behavior
Teachers rarely share information about children's progress with families

Types of Child Care. Child Care Aware® of America. (2022, May 25). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from
What Does a High-Quality Preschool Program Look Like? NAEYC. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from
Brown, M. (2022, November 20). How to Find Child Care Near You: 5 Resources That Make Parents' Lives Easier. Parents. Retrieved April 8, 2023, from
Why is Early Childhood Education at Childcare so important? | Kids College
Amanda Munday: Why everyone should care about child care | TED Talk