EDT 344
By: Samantha Stehler, Mia Hamilton, Elodie Joyce, Abbie Austin

"A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn."
Quote from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

"Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today".
Quote by
Tim Fargo
"Here, class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes, which they are tested on. What is missing, it seems to me, is the use of knowledge, the practical training".
Quote by
Harrison Salisbury

"High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation".
Quote by
Charles F. Kettering

"I was trying to be appreciative for the education I had, for the sacrifice my parents made. I was very interested in perfect attendance, OK, and straight A's and, you know, dean's list, because those I think were worthwhile, you know, endeavors. And it was important to spend my time in that way and become well-rounded".
Quote By
Kimberly Guilfoyle
I'm in! Examining the Importance of Attendance in our Schools
Boston Schools
This video interviews many students about attendance and asks them to explain why attendance in school is important to them. This video is a great source because each of the students comes up with a unique and valid reason for why attendance is important to them. This proves that the schools that they attend focus on educating the students while ensuring that the wellbeing of the student is a priority. Many of the students bring up the importance of attendance for the sake of their future but also as a model for those around them. They emphasize the importance of teamwork in attendance. The most success that they have found in increasing attendance percentage occurred when school faculty, parents, and students all worked together to ensure that the student is attending school whenever possible. One counselor in the video noticed that a student missed school a lot for asthma and she reached out to a physician to help the family get treatment so that the student could attend school more.

Attendance and the Pandemic
Articles: Report: Students with historically higher absenteeism rates struggle most during COVID-19
Could Pandemic Schooling Bring an End to Perfect Attendance Awards?
School Districts Rethink Attendance Policies To Accommodate Pandemic Realities
These articles discuss what attendance looks like during the pandemic and how the pandemic is impacting the attendance policies, while also underscoring how important it is for students to attend even virtual learning.
To view an article just click on one of the titles and it will take you to that article's website.
What Parents Should Know & Suggestions to Help
Articles: Can Schools Stop Attendance-Shaming Parents?
Parent Tips for Improving School Attendance
School Attendance, Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism: What Parents Need to Know
These articles give helpful tips and suggestions to help improve your child's attendance, as well as discussing why children struggle with attending school and some of the harms of missing school. In addition, some of these articles discuses why there is so much pressure on attendance for both children and parents.
To view an article just click on one of the titles and it will take you to that article's website.
Helpful Information for Schools & Teachers
Articles: What Can Teachers Do To Improve Student Attendance?
These articles give detailed suggestions for teachers and schools on things that they can do to improve student attendance. The suggestions range from what teachers could do in the classroom, to what schools could work on as a whole.
To view an article just click on one of the titles and it will take you to that article's website.
Mental & Physical Health's Impact on Attendance
Articles: The association between anxiety and poor school attendance
These articles explain the link between physical or mental health and absenteeism from school. Specifically, these articles touch on chronic absenteeism, the connection between anxiety and absences, how to support children or families facing these challenges, and suggestions for both parents and schools with students who want to promote attendance.
To view an article just click on one of the titles and it will take you to that article's website.

Children's Literature
Children's Literature
First Grade Jitters
by Robert Quackenbush
Best Children's Picture Books About Starting School (
This book is all about the first day of school. The main character is Aiden, who is very nervous for his first day at school but does not want to admit it. This story shows how sometimes when students come to school they may not want to be there because they are scared. It also shows how students question what will happen at school and are afraid.
The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!
This book is about the character Pigeon, who does not want go to school. Pigeon questions what if he doesn't like school. He also is afraid of learning new things at school. He is scared of school in general. This story teaches students why they need to come to school. It also helps prove to them that school is better than they think. They should not be afraid.
Managing School Absenteeism at Multiple Tiers: An Evidence-Based and Practical Guide for Professionals
This book is more of an adult book about getting children to go to school. It mention three tiers and the first is strategies to prevent absenteeism. The other two tiers are intervention plans. It also includes assessment procedures. Overall, the books main goal is to help get more students to go to school with step by steps plans.
Works Cited
Absenteeism: Mentally healthy schools. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Allison, M., Attisha, E., & Council on School Health. (2019, February 01). The link between school attendance and good health. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Arundel, K. (2021, February 03). Report: Students with historically higher absenteeism rates struggle most during covid-19. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Dubin, A. (2020, February 20). Can schools stop attendance-shaming parents? Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Finning, K. (2020, August 24). The association between anxiety and poor school attendance. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
FutureEd. (2011, November 11). What can teachers do to improve student attendance? Retrieved March 03, 2021, from,important%20to%20communicate%20with%20families
Hardy, D. (2018, July 23). 9 things schools can do today to improve attendance. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Kamenetz, A. (2020, October 01). School districts Rethink attendance policies to accommodate pandemic Realities. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Mills, M. (2020, September 04). Could pandemic schooling bring an end to perfect attendance awards? Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Nadworny, E. (2016, August 30). A new school year brings renewed focus on attendance. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
NCES. (n.d.). Every school day counts: The forum guide to collecting and using attendance data. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from,in%20a%20child's%20school%20career.&text=Research%20shows%20that%20attendance%20is%20an%20important%20factor%20in%20student%20achievement.
Parent tips for improving school attendance. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
School attendance, TRUANCY & Chronic Absenteeism: What parents need to know. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from
Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from