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EDT 344
Caitlyn O’Loughlin
Erik Quillen
Alejandra Turcios
Brandy Foster
Dr. Adams
28 february 2023.

Cultural diversity is synonymous with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined as, “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture.”



What Is Cultural Diversity?



Support Cultural Diversity


​How to make it possible?

  • Interact with people outside of your culture

  • Be open-minded to listen other people and families point of views.

  • Accept that differences are beneficial and not harmful

  • Don’t force your beliefs on people with opposing views.

  • Read literature and learn from different cultures

  • Absorb media and art from around the world

  • Learn a new language and communicate in a friend’s native language rather than your own.








Diverse Learning in Schools

by Jenny Licko

This Podcast is about how to implement music in the classroom with a focus on diverse learning, offers mini-workshops, tips, and resources to help teachers to engage with diverse students and creating a positive environment.


Competencies for Teaching in Multicultural Classrooms
University of New Brunswick

All Videos

All Videos



Books and sources that would support educators about "Cultural Diverse" in the classrooms.








OCCRRA Serves the state of Ohio is a source for learning system for early care and learning, school -age and child serving programs and professional development.


This online course examines diversity, the role it plays in the development of young children and their learning, how to assess personal views and thoughts about cultural differences and how this impacts teaching in a family child care program, and finally, strategies for effectively working with diverse children and families.



• Define diversity and identify how culture and background impact young children

 • List examples of how you can improve your own understanding of differences.


Core Knowledge Document:

Ohio's Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies *REVISED*


Registration deadline: Jun 30, 2023

Click to register 

Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students

This video addresses some of the different ways for us as teachers to use in classrooms with culturally diverse students. It gives some tips and tricks on how to approach teaching these students as well as providing opportunities for each person.

The Benefits of Inclusion and Diversity in the Classroom

This article explains/expresses the importance of diversity in the classroom and how it can benefit others 

  • Exploring the benefits of classroom diversity and inclusion 

  • Diversity improves cognitive skills and critical thinking 

  • Exposure to diversity helps students enter adulthood

  • Diversity prepares students for citizenship 

     Diversity promotes creativity 

     Discovers how to encourage inclusivity and diversity as an educator

     Learn about students cultural backgrounds​

This video explains diversity in detail and why it matters.

Gives an overview of the topic  



Children's Literature

You won’t find any preaching about the importance of differences here! Instead, Jess Hong’s Lovely straight-up offers a delightful look at every kind of person under the sun. Her portraits of people cover the gamut of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender expression, body shape — all of which ask the question, “What is lovely?” And it all culminates in one simple, powerful message: there is beauty in everyone, and we are all lovely.


Improving Diversity
in the Classroom

How to embrace diversity in the classroom

  • Create a space for expression and reflection.

  • Introduce diverse perspectives

  • Use a variety of teaching strategies

  • Create an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on diversity.

diverstiy flier.jpg












Schools must take a proactive approach to acknowledging diversity:

  • A parent needs to look beyond the numbers to evaluate a school’s approach to diversity. 

  • Structured classroom activities can highlight diversity.

  • Mutual respect is part of the equation. 

  • No Child Left Behind shines the light on achievement gaps among diverse groups of students. 



How important is cultural diversity at your school?

What parents can do to promote a positive environment that fosters achievement for everyone in a multicultural student body:

  • Find your school and check the test scores on the school profile, and where available, pay particular attention to the results by subgroup.

  • If your school has disparities in outcomes for different groups of students (often called “the achievement gap”), you should ask why and find out what measures the school is taking to close the gap.

  • Ask how the school addresses the needs of diverse students and if there are support programs available for students who are not meeting the standards. Ask if there is specialized instruction for students who are English language learners.

                                       Taking Advantage of Diversity in the Classroom 

This article talks about the different measurements and benefits of diversity in the classroom and in the world. It describes how teachers use diversity in the classroom and incorporate ideas to make things more united. I think by bringing diversity in the classroom, teachers can come up with strategies to get students to understand where they are coming from and respect things in their lives like traditions, beliefs, languages, etc. 


*This article talks about many strategies when it comes to diversity such as measuring diversity, defining it, and the benefits in the classroom and in the world which is important. Spreading awareness with diversity can have a huge impact in the world and become more united. 






  1. Examine your teaching materials

  2. Get to know your students (and their backgrounds)

  3. Address inequality

  4. Connect with parents

  5. Be a culturally responsive educator

  6. Seek out PD opportunities around diversity initiatives

  7. Be honest about and aware of your own cultural biases

  8. Include classroom signs in multiple languages

  9. Invite guest speakers into your classroom

  10. Take field trips to cultural events in your community

Creating a Classroom Environment that Supports Cultural Diversity Video

Connected is a video made by explaining the importance of implementing cultural diversity in the classroom environment.

Why Cultural Diversity and Awareness in the Classroom Is Important

This article talks about how to embrace diversity and cultural not only in the classroom, but in other settings. It explains what is cultural in general and what kinds of cultural diversity are common in the classroom

Express interest in diversity(ask students to share their stories and relating them to the cultural experiences through lessons in the classroom)

Remain sensitive to differences meaning that some kids are more vocal and approach their cultures more than others(more reserved about it) 

It’s important to take time to let students come forward and speak about their culture. Coming up with some activities such as ice breakers, get to know each other  one on one activities, and many other activities.

Heading 1- All Are Welcome- Alexandra Penfold 
A warm, welcoming picture book that celebrates diversity and gives encouragement and support to all kids. Follow a group of children through a day in their school, where everyone is welcomed with open arms. A school where kids in patkas, hijabs, and yamulkes play side-by-side with friends in baseball caps. A school where students grow and learn from each other's traditions and the whole community gathers to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


Nair, M. (2022, November 22). What is cultural diversity and why is it important? University of the People. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from


(n.d.). Ecehan Gozen: Cultural diversity as the complementary power of difference | TED Talk. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from


(n.d.).(2023) Diversity and References: An Anti-Biased Approach to Teaching Diversity in Family Childcare. OCCRRA. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from 


Licko, J. (2020, October 24). Diverse learning in schools. Apple Podcasts. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from 


YouTube. (2019, May 13). Competencies for teaching in multicultural classrooms. YouTube. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from 


Olsen, S., & Sonke, S. (2020). Our class is a family. Orange County, California. 


Cole, E., Kamenshikova, J. (2021). Our Diversity Makes us stronger. 


DeFelice, C. (2005). Under the Same Sky. Square Fish Edition.


“The Importance of Multicultural Education.” School of Education,


by: GreatSchools Staff | Updated: December 18, 2022 Print article. “How Important Is Cultural Diversity at Your School?” Parenting, 19 Dec. 2022,


University of San Diego - Professional & Continuing Education. “10 Ways to Teach Diversity in the Classroom.” University of San Diego - Professional & Continuing Education, 14 Nov. 2022,


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